Breathing New Life!

I was just looking at this lil’ blog of mine and realised that it looks as if I haven’t posted anything in MONTHS.

And it actually isn’t true.  My mission for 2018 is mainly to re-work most of the recipes, try some new flavour combinations and most importantly, take better photos for some of the posts.

When I started this blog in 2015, my aim was to basically have an online recipe book of healthy and quick to prepare recipes.  Just a list of ingredients, a method and a sometimes crappy cellphone photo (and God forbid, with text added)! During that time I was very health conscious and for a little more than a year I was a ‘weight loss coach’ for one of the major weight loss organisations in South Africa.  Well, stuff happens and my situation is very different – I won’t bore you with the details.  But I have decided to go back to what I really enjoy, and why I started this blog initially – just sharing simple and easy healthy dishes, and yes Life is Too Short to Eat (only) Lettuce!

In an attempt to go back to my roots, but to also give more attention to this blog baby of mine, I want to breathe new life into it – and with 130+ recipes I have so much to work with, there’s not need to recreate the wheel! So it will probably keep me busy for most of the year – and it is a work in progress, so don’t judge! 😉

So I actually have been updating some of the older posts, but I also realise that people don’t always go back to see if new info was added to previous posts.  So I will do an ‘update’ blog post every time I make changes to some of the recipes – and you can let me know if you like the changes etc.  How does that sound?

We will chat soon!


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