Mexican Corn & Samp Salad (with Citrus Dressing)

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Okay, this was VERY experimental!  I haven’t even HEARD of a samp salad before 🙂 But inspiration hit (while looking for a new ‘carb’ option to try) and this is what transpired.

Dressing: (leave to infuse a bit).  By the way, this salad can be made in advance, just add the tomatoes and salt just before serving otherwise it becomes soggy.

Okay, where was I…  yes, the dressing (mix it all together):

1oml olive oil

2 TBSP freshly squeezed orange juice

2 TBS lemon juice

2 TBS White Wine Vinegar

1/4 tsp fresh garlic

A dash of cayenne pepper

A dash of ground cumin


Mix together (or pack in layers if preferred):

200g corn kernels (I used frozen corn, covered with boiling water and left to stand for 10 minutes, no need to cook)

140g cooked samp (I cooked this in advance, because it does take a while to cook – and then left to cool)

200g red kidney beans (tinned and drained)

100g chopped tomato

50g chopped onion

100g chopped mixed peppers (I used green and red)

Salt and Pepper to taste


Pour dressing over, and voila!  I actually wanted to add some fresh coriander as well, but realised I was all out.  Next time 🙂



WL Breakdown, serves 2 (LARGE portions), 1 Serve = 2 CC, 1 Prot, 1.5 Veg, 1 Fat





Veggie Breakfast Scramble

Yes, a ‘non-traditional’ option for breakfast, but I must admit, I am a little ‘cerealed’ out.  I know that I can have eggs, lean bacon, etc for breakfast as well, but I prefer to keep my protein portions for a little later during the day.  And, I woke up with a CRAVING for veggies 🙂 So why not incorporate it into the most important meal of the day?  😀  Used mostly ‘free’ veggies as well.


I discovered some sweet potato ‘noodles’ at Food Lovers Market, but you can just use grated sweet potato or use a spiraliser, if you’ve got one?  I got my spiraliser at Clicks, very affordable and adds a lot of fun on your plate!  🙂  Okay, here goes:

80g sweet potato noodles (‘normal’ grated potato will work great as well!) – I pre-cooked it in the microwave for about 4 minutes.

80g zucchini (baby marrow) noodles (saw it is available at Woolies and Foodlovers’, maybe  a few other places as well – these I just made using my spiraliser)

50g leeks, thinly sliced

50g yellow pepper, chopped

100g chopped tomato

100ml veggie stock

Salt and Pepper to taste

Sweet Chili Sauce

Add all the veggies except the sweet potato in a saucepan, together with the veggie stock and bring to boil.  Cook for a couple of minutes until tomato is soft.  Stir in sweet potato noodles, season and cook for another minute or so.  Serve with a drollop of sweet chili sauce.


1 Serve = 1 CC and 1 Veg


Mini Mushroom “Pizzas”

I’ve been craving pizza – so I decided to make a healthier option 🙂  Lovely tomato, cheese garlic and herb goodness – the ‘legal’ way 😉


3 large ‘braai’/brown mushrooms

100g tomato and onion mix/Weigh-Less Chili Tomato Pasta Sauce (I added a bit of garlic and herb paste to jazz it up a bit)

30g cheddar cheese – grated finely, it goes further!

1.5 slice Albany Ultima, grated to make breadcrumbs

10g olives, deseeded and finely chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

A sprinkling of Mixed Herbs


Remove the stems of the mushrooms

Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray

Stuff mushrooms with tomato mix (tomato base, herbs, breadcrumbs, olives and seasoning mixed together)

Top with cheese and sprinkle with Mixed Herbs

Pop into a pre-heated oven and 180C for about 20 minutes.


Serves 1 – 1 Veg (mushrooms = free), 1 Fat, 1 Protein, 1 CC

Eggs in Hell! (eggs in spicy tomato sauce)

Always looking for quick and easy weeknight dinner ideas because on most evenings I only get home between 18.00 and 19.00.

Came across this recipe and just loved the name!  LOL!  Recipe found on “The Cooking Jar” and tweaked and prepared with love by Hubby 🙂



10ml olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

1 tin chopped tomatoes

1 teaspoon minced garlic

2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced

1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Salt and Pepper to taste

6 large eggs (recipe serves 6 if 1 egg each, or 3 if 2 eggs each)


fresh coriander and fresh bread to serve (I had mine on a slice of toast)


Saute onions, garlic and jalapenos and cook until soft.

Add tinned tomatoes and spices and bring to a gentle simmer

Lower heat and crack eggs one at a time and simmer until cooked – for runny yolks about 5 – 6 minutes, a little longer for harder egg yolks.

Remove from heat and serve with fresh breadrolls or toast, with fresh coriander.





Roasted Tomato and Basil Pesto


200g cherry tomatoes, halved
Robertsons’ Master Blend – Rosemary and Garlic
Coarsely ground black pepper and salt
5ml olive oil
25g chopped, fresh basil
1/2 tsp finely chopped garlic (to taste)
1/2 sachet artificial sweetener
1 TBS balsamic vinegar

Pre-heat oven to 180C
Arrange tomato halves on baking tray, covered with foil, sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.
Season with Garlic and Herb spice mix, salt and pepper
Roast in the oven for about 30 min or until tomatoes start to blister
Leave it to cool off a bit
Blitz with the rest of the ingredients until smooth.

This was my Meatless Monday lunch!  Had it on Ryvita, topped with crumbed low fat feta.

Also great stirred into pasta with cooked chicken strips 🙂

Tomatoey Potato Curry

As you know by now, I love my veggie curries – so this recipe may seem familiar – just a twist on a previous one!

1 tsp olive oil (1 Fat)

½ tsp crushed ginger and garlic

1 tin WL Chopped tomatoes (2 Veg)

½ tsp turmeric

¼ tsp mustard seeds

¼ tsp cumin seeds

200g parboiled baby potatoes (cut in quarters and microwave, covered with water for about 10 min) (2CC)

1 tsp curry powder (mild or medium – to taste)

75g chickpeas (tinned) (1 Prot)

125ml veggie or chicken stock

70g peas (blanched) (1 Veg)

Fresh coriander for serving.

Fry mustard seeds, cumin seeds and curry powder in olive oil for a minute or so. Add crushed ginger and garlic, fry for a few seconds and add rest of ingredients. Top up with veggie stock if needed. Simmer on low/med heat until potato is soft.  Serve with fresh coriander


Roasted Tomato Soup with Feta

6 large Rosa tomatoes

Garlic Salt

Italian Herb Seasoning

1 med red onion

5ml basil infused olive oil

250ml chicken or veggie stock

Salt and pepper

30g crumbed feta



Cut tomatoes in half, sprinkle with garlic salt and Italian Herb Seasoning and oven roast for 30 – 45 minutes at 180C (you still want the tomatoes firm, but cooked).  Fry onion in olive oil, add tomatoes and stock – season to taste.  Simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes.  Liquidise and serve with feta.


Tomato Barley “Risotto” with Feta

“Risotto” in quotation marks because this doesn’t require half the effort of making ‘normal’ risotto!  Shortcuts all the way!  🙂

Serves 1:  2CC, 1 Fat, 2 Veg, 1 Prot

100g cooked pearl barley

5ml olive oil

50g finely chopped onion

1/4 tsp crushed garlic

200g tomato (I would suggest peeling it first – super easy!  Just pour boiling water over, leave for a couple of minutes and the tomato skin will peel off very easily)

A sprig of rosemary

20g tomato paste

300ml chicken stock

30g crumbled low-fat feta


Fry onion and garlic in olive oil for a few minutes.  Add rest of ingredients plus 300ml chicken stock.  Simmer on low heat until most of the water is reduced.  Remove the rosemary sprig (what is left of it).  The dish should have a ‘mushy’/risotto like consistency.

Serve with feta



Pilchard Puttanesca

Pilchard Puttanesca

Adapted from Fresh Living Magazine May 2015




Serves 2

1 Serving = 2 Prot, 2 Veg and 1 Fat (pasta excluded)


400g Pilchards in sauce (1 large tin)

400g Tomato and Onion mix (1 large tin)

½ teaspoon crushed garlic

30 ml capers

90g olives (pitted)

Lemon Juice

Salt and Pepper


Fresh Parsley and Cooked Pasta to serve


Mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan and simmer to heat through (10 minutes max). Serve with pasta (as per your formula) and fresh parsley!

