Some more lovely (and healthy) lunch options – revamped! New photos to make your mouth water 🙂
“Good for you food” doesn’t need to be boring.

Some more lovely (and healthy) lunch options – revamped! New photos to make your mouth water 🙂
“Good for you food” doesn’t need to be boring.
I say this often – and you will hear it often as a result: I am convinced I am an undercover vegetarian. My knee-jerk reaction, especially when it comes to planning my lunches – is to go for a meatfree option. It may be that I feel that my lunches must be ‘lighter’ than dinners – or maybe it has got to do with the fact that Hubby isn’t too keen on vegetarian meals? So although I don’t really need an excuse to do ‘Meatless/Meatfree Monday’ I do try to make it a ‘thing’. Making the conscious effort to, at least for one day a week, try to have a vegetarian meal or two.
If you are keen to read a little bit more about this initiative:Â
As a rule I also tend to overindulge over the weekends – yes, major facepalm, I should be over that by now! It eases my conscience to know that, by going veggie for a meal or two I can at least TRY to rectify the ‘damage’. (In that case I am a couple of hundred vegetarian meals behind! LOL!). Ag whatever, it is what it is, every little bit counts.
This is really such a simple meal, it doesn’t actually justify a full ‘recipe blogpost’, but here goes:
2 cups of roasted veggies – you can make up your own selection. I used butternut, peppers, red onion and asparagus. Place in an ovenproof dish and sprinkle with some olive oil and coarsely ground salt (I used Woolies Garlic Salt).  Oven roast at 180C for about 30 minutes, until the veggies start to char a bit.
In the meantime, prepare the yogurt dressing: 175ml yogurt, mixed with a good sprinkling (about a teaspoon full) mixed herb seasoning. This time around I used Woolies Za’ataar Blend. This versatile blend contains roasted sesame seeds, Oregano, Sumac, Thyme – I added a few chili flakes as well. Leave to ‘infuse’ for a bit – usually I use all my yogurt or mayonnaise dressings overnight.
Cool veggies slightly and serve on a wrap (I used the Weigh-Less ones, it is more the size of a soft taco, but it works well), and drizzle with yogurt dressing.
WL Breakdown – 2 CC, 2 Veg, 1 Fat, 1 Milk
Quick n healthy omelette
1 egg plus 2 egg whites, salt and pepper to taste and a sprinkling of Chipotle seasoning (Woolies), lightly beaten. Pour in small non-stick pan on a medium heat. Turn over once set at bottom. And that is it!
Serve in a wrap with lots of lettuce and a dash of mayo, Tabasco or sriracha!
PS: If you dont have Chipotle seasoning, add a sprinkling of cayenne pepper and smoked paprika!
Serves 4 – 2 Prot, ½ Veg (without coleslaw and veggies to serve), ½ Fat (excluding CC from wraps(s)) per serving
400g beef cubes
100g chopped onions
10ml olive oil
½ tsp each – crushed garlic, ginger and chilies
A sprinkling of Chinese 5-spice
1tsp lime juice
Fry onions, garlic, ginger and chilies in olive oil until onions are soft. Add beef cubes, increase heat and fry for a few minutes to seal. Add rest of spices. Cook on very slow heat (you can use your slow cooker) until beef is very tender and easy to ‘shred’ with a fork. Top up with a little bit of water during the cooking process if needed.
Serve on a bed of lettuce (so that it doesn’t make the wrap too ‘soggy’) with a good dollop of Sweet Chili Sauce from allowance.
To serve: WL Wraps (1 = 1 CC), shredded cabbage/coleslaw mix, chopped spring onions, lettuce and Sweet Chili Sauce (Misc allowance)
Another lunch! Another wrap! 🙂
This time, after a tip from my friend Lucy-Ray – I decided to add tuna to one of my favourite sides – tzatziki! I love the fresh combination of cucumber, mint and yogurt. And tzatziki is very versatile! Great as a side to braaied (it is a South African thing!) chicken, pork or beef. Haven’t combined it with fish before, so this was one of those experimental meals! LOL! And I think it was pretty successful! 🙂
Okay, first tzatziki:
1/2 grated cucumber, sprinkled with salt and left for about 30 – 60 minutes to get rid of the extra moisture. I always leave it in a coriander to strain. Squeeze out any excess water, make sure to get it all out  – with your hands is actually the easiest, or press it between 2 side plates.
Next stir in about 100ml plain fat free yogurt, 1 tablespoon of grated onion, 1 finely crushed garlic clove, a small handful of finely chopped mint (dried mint works well), black pepper and my secret ingredient – a sprinkling of Aromat 🙂
Drain 1 tin of tuna (in brine). It is very important to make sure all water is drained, otherwise the mixture gets very soggy. Mix the tuna and tzatziki together – I added a few springs of finely chopped dill, and some salad onions.
And voila! Leave in the fridge for a few hours for the flavours to develop. I had on a wrap, with some colourful cherry tomatoes and lettuce.
Again, any filling that works well as a wrap filling can be served in pitas, on whole wheat bread or just add a handful of lettuce leaves, and you have a lovely, fresh and filling salad.
Fresh and yummy!
Revamped January 2019, added a few new photos! The previous ones were pretty bad! Â
This is one of my favourite recipes. I love a good wrap! Especially for lunch 🙂
When packing my lunch for work, I very seldom just throw everything together – I am not a fan of mushy, soggy food. Okay, few people are! 😛
Today, for example – I packed the wraps separately, and the chicken mix, and the salad stuff (lettuce, cucumber strips, and chopped peppadews) also in a separate divided container.
Yes, maybe a bit of a mission – but worth it, believe me! 🙂
This was the chicken curry (fake Coronation??) mix:
90 g cooked chicken, chopped
1 small Granny Smith apple, chopped
2 small salad onions, chopped
30 ml low fat mayo
1/2 teaspoon curry powder (mild)
Salt and pepper to taste
Prepare this the night before – for the flavours to develop 🙂
Quick and easy!
Pile on a wrap with lettuce and top off with cucumber strips! Yummy! 😀
Also works as a salad, in pitas and on whole wheat bread 🙂
Serves 1