Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds – 3 variations

Okay, so after falling off the ‘healthy eating’ wagon for a good couple of months, I haved decided to pull myself up by my bootstraps AGAIN!  And again realising that planning and prep is EVERYTHING.  Otherwise it is so easy to eat all kinds of nonsense.

Yes, here I go again with my overnight oats!  🙂

I did it slightly different this time around – made a batch without adding any fruit, etc – simply because I didn’t know by how much the chia seeds will expand.  So I made an ‘oats mix’ batch and then divided it into 3 portions – and added fresh fruit and nuts on the day 🙂  So it works great if you don’t have time to prep breakfast every day.

So, here is the ‘basic’ mix:

90g raw oats

175ml fat free plain yogurt

250ml fat free milk

15ml chia seeds

Mix it all together and leave overnight in the fridge.  If the mixture is too stiff, add a bit of milk the next day.


Day 1:  added freshly pureed pear and almonds (yes, crappy photo/filter) – ‘pear’ doesn’t photograph well!


Day 2:   With Blueberries – simply added a handful of blackberries – easy peasy 🙂


Day 3:  Layered with caramelised nectarines (sprinkled with a liiiiitle bit of brown sugar and honey), and topped with a bit of nuts and honey.  Can’t get any easier!



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