Mini Cottage Pies

360g lean mince
50g onion, grated
100g sundried tomatoes, chopped
20g raw oats
Salt and pepper to taste
Cajun seasoning – to taste, some brands are more spicy than others!

Tomato Topping:  100g tomato and onion mix, 15ml tomato sauce, Italian Herb mix

300g cooked potato, mashed – seasoned with Aromat

Mix all the ingredients (except mashed potato and tomato topping) together. Form meatballs, measuring 60 – 70g each – and place in prepared muffin tin (sprayed with non-stick spray).  Press down a bit – to make bottom half of mini cottage pies. Bake at 180C for 25min or until browned/cooked.


Once cooked, put a spoonful of tomato mix on each mince ball, use piping bag (or just spoon on top) to add potato mixture on top, and put back in oven for about 10 min.


1 serving = 2 mini cottage pies. Each 1 protein and 1/2 CC.

Serve with salad!  🙂

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