Super quick and easy – ideal for a lazy dreading-to-get-to-work-tomorrow Sunday evening! Takes about 20 min to prepare! 🙂 2 Eskort Weigh-Less Pork Bangers (or WL bacon – omit for vegetarian option, replace with 30g crumbed low fat feta to serve) 5ml olive oil 210g Woolies Mint Peas (or plain frozen peas – you can add a few mint leaves in the end before liquidising) 100g potato cubes Salt and Pepper to taste Pop 100g potatoes, covered with boiling water in the microwave for 10 minutes to cook (test if soft after 10 min) While potatoes are cooking, remove skin of Pork bangers and cut into bite-sized chunks and fry in olive oil. Put peas in a saucepan, cover with 250ml boiling water and bring to boil. Add seasoning. Don’t boil for too long – otherwise the peas will lose the vibrant green colour. (I would say – 5 min max). Drain potatoes and add to peas. Liquidise. Stir in fried pork banger chunks and serve 🙂 Voila! Filling and tasty comfort food! Serves 1 1 Prot, 1 CC, 3 Veg, 1 Fat (WL)