Smoooooth Smoothies!

I love smoothies!  It is quick and easy snack or even meal (breakfast! yay!)  And it is a very convenient way to get your fruit and veg servings in one go.  I dreaaaam of a Nutribullet (Dear Santa… is it too early to ask… promise I will be GOOD!), but for now, my little stick blender does the trick!


First up – Banana and Mango smoothie. 

What I omitted when I made this one was some crushed ice (was in too much of a hurry!), but you can definitely add some.  I used frozen banana though, it also help to coooool your drink.

1 banana (frozen if you are prepared!), peeled and cut into chunks

1 mango, peeled and cut into chunks (I know it is more expensive, but I prefer to buy mangos prepared already, what a mess to clean!)

100ml vanilla yogurt

100ml fat free yogurt

And now, a short cut to tropical goodness – 1 few drops of coconut essence.

Blitz and enjoy!


Don’t you just love these tiki glasses??  Got it from Mr Price Home – got get some 🙂

Banana and Apricot smoothie

Yes, there is a theme – I believe that all smoothies MUST have at least one banana in!  Especially if you want to enjoy a filling and smooooth drink.

And as above – I use a mix of milk and yogurt, otherwise it may be too thick or too thin!

So the only difference – I replaced the mango with 4 apricots. Lovely and sweet!

And that is smoothies for you – you can mix up your fruit options, maybe even add some veggies, like spinach or celery.  For a more filling breakfast, mix in a portion of raw oats or All Bran flakes!


Breakfast Barley

We often get stuck on what to have for breakfast that is a little ‘different’.  Somedays I really don’t feel like another bowl of brand name cereal or a slice of toast with whatever…. 🙂

Keep forgetting that we can actually use any grain as a breakfast option – quinoa, couscous, brown rice and BARLEY!  🙂  So this is my version of ‘comfort food’ for breakfast.  Will work great with brown rice as well 🙂


75g cooked barley (I cooked a big batch last night, froze it into individual portions to be used in my meals during the next week or so, so look out for a few ‘barley’ recipes coming up!)

125ml fat free milk

20g raisins

1 cinnamon stick

5ml honey for serving

Gently simmer barley, raisins and cinnamon stick until barley is more ‘mushy’ and most of the milk is reduced/evaporated.

Serve with honey and enjoy!


Serves 1:  1.5 CC, 1/2 milk, 1 Fruit
