Asparagus, couscous and feta salad

Especially for #WellnessWednesday!

Trying my best to get into this healthy living thing again!  Sigh… undoing the ‘damage’ of the past year is taking much longer than I thought.  And yes, patience is apparently a virtue.  And yes, apparantly you need to have more than just 1 healthy meal once in a while. #Denial #TheStuggleIsReal

Lunches are normally okay, and then I fall off the wagon a bit in the evening.  Is that what they call ‘balance’?  I tried, okay!  🙂  #OneMealAtATime  Will not give up!  🙂


I ALWAYS go for quick and easy – prepared a batch of couscous Monday morning – a little too much, it was in fact enough for 3/4 people, so we may have another couscous salad for lunch tomorrow 😉

Anyway!  Here we go – no ‘real’ instructions needed, salads are easy like that 🙂

Serves 1

90g couscous prepared + 40g crumbed fat free feta

90g (or a bit more – don’t let asparagus go to waste, it is expensive enough as it is!) steamed fresh asparagus

100g mixed variety tomatoes (love the beautiful colours of these ones I got from Woolies)

Lettuce to serve

Salt and Pepper

You can of course just mix everything together, but I like the look of a ‘layered’ salad – first lettuce, then tomatoes, then couscous and feta mix, and top with steamed asparagus. Season to taste – I just drizzled it with a bit of garlic-infused olive oil.

And voila!


Couscous Chickpea Salad with Herby Yogurt Dressing


Serves 1


90g couscous (prepared)

1/2 tin chickpeas (drained)

50g cherry tomatoes, halved

1 Granny Smith apple, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

Lettuce to serve

Dressing:  120g plain, fatfree yogurt.  1/2 handful chopped fresh mint and coriander


Mix the couscous, chickpeas, cherry tomatoes and apple together and season.  Serve on lettuce leaves and drizzle with dressing!


How easy is that?? 🙂



Moroccan Apricot Couscous Salad

I really love Moroccan-style flavours – cumin, ginger, coriander, cinnamon!   And the best is – there is a fabulous ‘short-cut’ available – Woolies’ Moroccan Rub!  I use it so often, that I always buy 2 containers at a time!  Very versatile and convenient 🙂 And it works great with lamb, chicken and veggies.

Here’s a quick and healthy salad to make the most of those flavours:


Serves 1


80g cooked couscous

75g chickpeas (tinned/cooked)

A big handful of fresh rocket

30g soft dried apricots, chopped

10g toasted almond slivers



100g plain fatfree yogurt

1/2 tsp Woolworths Moroccan Rub (if you don’t have this – you can make up your own morrocan blend -this recipe is great


Mix couscous and chickpeas and place on bed of rocket, lightly stir through yogurt dressing.  Season to taste. Sprinkle chopped apricot bits and toasted almonds over it.


2 CC, 1 Prot, 1 Fat, 1 Fruit, 1/2 Veg, 1/2 Milk

Inspired by Buzzfeed Recipe