5-ingredient Yummy Nutty Chicken

400g chicken fillets, cubed

30ml peanut butter (I use the ‘no sugar’ variety)

250ml chicken stock

10ml olive oil

Woolies Coconut, Chili, Lime and Black Sesame Seed Spice


This is so easy!

Fry chicken pieces in olive oil until pieces are sealed and 1/2 way cooked – add a few drops of water if needed.

Mix peanut butter with hot chicken stock – stir until smooth.

Add peanut butter stock mixture to chicken pieces and simmer slowly for about 10 minutes

Sprinkle with Woolies spice – if you don’t have it, just season with a few drops of lite coconut milk, dried chili flakes and a dash of fresh lime juice 🙂

Serve with fresh coriander, brown rice and stir-fried veggies from formula

Serves 2:  2 Prot, 2 Fat

Thai Mango & Chicken Salad Bowl

This looks sooo pretty (if I do say so myself!) and is quickly to assemble!

20160223_131653.jpg100g cooked angelhair pasta (cooled down)

90g smoked chicken (roughly chopped)

30g carrot and cucumber ribbons (you can make this with your veggie peeler)

10og fresh mango, sliced

A handful of lettuce and fresh herb mix

30g Sweet Chilli Sauce

Salt and Pepper to taste


And that is it!

Spanish Ole King!

Okay, the reason for the name of this dish – it started out as Chicken a La King, and halfway through I realised that I don’t have mushrooms!  LOL!  But fear not!  Managed to create a tasty dinner anyway!  🙂

10 ml olive oil

100g chopped onions

200g chopped green pepper

150 ml chicken stock

400g raw chicken fillets, cut into cubes

Okay that was as far as the Chicken A La King got!


Enter:  Ole King!

140g par cooked brown rice

1 tin (400g) Tomato and Onion (Woolies – with Garlic)

3ml Spanish Smoked Paprika

a sprinkling of Garlic Salt

Cayenne pepper to taste

Salt and Pepper to taste


Fry onion and green pepper in olive oil, add chicken stock and bring to a simmer.  When onion and green pepper is softer and stock reduced, add chicken cubes and brown.  Add tinned tomatoes and rest of the ingredients.  Simmer for about 20 minute and…. ole!


Serves 2:  per serving – 2 Protein, 1 CC,  1 Fat, 3 Veg


Curry and Apple Chicken Wrap

Revamped January 2019, added a few new photos! The previous ones were pretty bad!  

This is one of my favourite recipes. I love a good wrap!  Especially for lunch 🙂

When packing my lunch for work, I very seldom just throw everything together – I am not a fan of mushy, soggy food. Okay, few people are!  😛

Today, for example – I packed the wraps separately, and the chicken mix, and the salad stuff (lettuce, cucumber strips, and chopped peppadews) also in a separate divided container.

Yes, maybe a bit of a mission – but worth it, believe me! 🙂

This was the chicken curry (fake Coronation??) mix:

90 g cooked chicken, chopped
1 small Granny Smith apple, chopped
2 small salad onions, chopped
30 ml low fat mayo
1/2 teaspoon curry powder (mild)
Salt and pepper to taste

Life is too short to eat lettuce Curry Chicken and Apple Wrap

Prepare this the night before – for the flavours to develop 🙂

Life is too short to eat lettuce Curry Chicken and Apple Wrap

Quick and easy!

Pile on a wrap with lettuce and top off with cucumber strips!  Yummy!  😀

Life is too short to eat lettuce Curry Chicken and Apple Wrap

Also works as a salad, in pitas and on whole wheat bread 🙂

Serves 1